Reinventing Fundraising and Engagement Through Innovative Mechanics

Hearts Community is revolutionizing the way charities, local businesses, and individuals collaborate through a unique synergy of interactive events, quizzes, and silent auctions. Our goal is to foster positive mutual cooperation among all community participants, enabling them to engage in various roles, from receiving support to making impactful contributions.

Welcome to our spectacular Events!

Get ready for an exciting quiz adventure where you can show off your smarts and support great causes! Whether you're flying solo or part of a team, HeartQuest is your chance to shine and help charities.

Don't forget to participate in our Silent Auction as it will increase funds for Knights, Guardians, and Charity organisations participating in this Quiz!

Why Join:

  • Win prizes for yourself AND for your nominated charity.
  • Receive recognition on our platform, which you can also include in your CV to showcase your participation in charity activities.
  • Have fun solving challenging questions and outwitting other teams.

Ways to Join:

  1. As a Knight (Solo Players): Ask tough questions and pick a charity to support. If your question stumps others, you and your charity win!
  2. As a Guardian (Teams of 2-5): Team up with your friends, colleagues, charity supporters, or any other Knights and become Guardians. Answer questions, and aim for the top prize. Remember, every Guardian can also be a Knight by asking questions.
  3. As a Spectator: Watch the action live, and donate to support charities during the big matches.

The Adventure Unfolds:

  1. Start: Sign up, nominate your favorite charity, and submit your most intriguing, open-ended questions. These questions should challenge basic knowledge and analytical thinking. For guidance on crafting these questions, check out our Events Question Preparation.
  2. Flash Quiz Preliminaries: All participants, whether Knights playing solo or as part of Guardian teams, tackle 60 multiple-choice questions. Each question is a test of quick thinking and decision-making, with only 30 seconds to answer. The highest-scoring individuals and teams advance, bringing the top Knights' questions into later rounds. The faster you answer the more score you get.
  3. Semi-Finals Duel: In this intense round, the top Guardian teams face off in pairs. Here, the challenge escalates as teams navigate through the open-ended questions submitted by Knights, each team striving to outsmart the other with a 90-second response time. The first team in each pair to correctly answer 9 questions earns their spot in the Grand Showdown.
  4. Grand Showdown:
    • Show Match: A special feature where charities with the most Knight nominations confront the highest bidders from our Silent Auction. It's a display of knowledge and strategy, and if the bidders choose not to participate, this match may be adapted or omitted.
    • The Ultimate Battle: Mirroring the intensity of the Semi-Finals, the remaining teams engage in a head-to-head battle of wits. The first team to correctly answer 9 open-ended questions clinches victory, securing not just accolades for themselves but also substantial rewards for their nominated charity.

Note: The Semi-Finals and the Grand Showdown will be hosted on Zoom and live-streamed with a 5-minute delay, ensuring a fair and engaging experience for all. Should there be significant demand, we're open to expanding the number of teams to accommodate more participants.

A Diverse Array of Events

To achieve this unique synergy and mutual benefits, Hearts Community organizes a diverse array of events, whether seasonal, occasional, or special. By conducting comprehensive research on specific event topics, we create engaging quiz mechanics and synergize them with our distinctive auction format. This multi-faceted approach resonates with a diverse audience interested in particular subjects and significantly enhances the reach and impact of our events.

Effective Fundraising and Business Promotion

Our initiatives are meticulously designed to be effective in raising funds for charities and bolstering local businesses. The added layer of our distinctive quiz mechanics and the auction's synergy creates an interactive and beneficial experience for all participants.

Exciting Future Enhancements

Looking ahead, we are excited about expanding our event dynamics. Plans are in place to introduce quiz statistics and gamification elements. These enhancements are aimed at enriching the user experience, fostering a competitive yet collaborative spirit, and driving further engagement.

Our difference

In our community, we've crafted a unique form of collaboration that goes beyond mere fundraising. Our methods surpass standard donation campaigns and fleeting quizzes, introducing a level of depth and interconnectedness that's unparalleled. It's this special blend of synergy and integration that sets our community apart, ensuring that every participant not only contributes but also gains meaningful value from the experience.

Individuals or teams can join our bespoke events to support a charity organization while enjoying engaging activities. Participate, win prizes, acquire unique items, and simultaneously support your chosen organization. Don't forget to sign up and you won't miss our future events.

Charity organizations can elevate their fundraising and awareness efforts by creating their team for our events. They can contribute unique activities to our silent auction, where a portion of the proceeds aids their charity, enhancing interest in our quizzes.

Local businesses can participate in our events to elevate their brand's awareness and market presence. By engaging with the community and supporting charitable causes, businesses can foster positive relationships and gain exposure to a wider audience.

Hearts Community offers a groundbreaking approach to collaboration among individuals, charities, and local businesses. Through our unique event mechanics, engaging quizzes, and synergistic silent auctions, we create a platform for mutual benefits and positive impact. Whether you're an individual looking to support a cause, a charity seeking to amplify your fundraising efforts, or a local business aiming to increase brand awareness, Hearts Community provides the perfect opportunity to get involved and make a difference.