Join Our Mission and Support the Community in a Multitude of Ways

At Hearts.Community, we believe that everyone has a role to play in driving our project forward and ensuring its future success. Whether you're interested in sponsoring, contributing, volunteering, or simply participating in our survey, your involvement can make a significant difference. Remember, the success of a project heavily depends on its audience, and supporting Hearts.Community is easier than you think!

Four Simple Ways to Support Hearts.Community

We offer four straightforward options for backing our project, and you can choose one or utilize them all:

  1. Make a contribution and submit your lot to support any charity organization you wish through our Silent Auction.
  2. Place a bid to support the project directly during our Live Auction.
  3. Purchase our festive merchandise.
  4. Donate to the project's development via Ko-Fi.

These options suit any wallet and budget, and they can make a huge difference!

Sponsorship Opportunities for Businesses

We offer various sponsorship options during our events, providing excellent visibility and branding opportunities for your business:

  • Callouts and mentions during our live-streamed Quiz event
  • Bronze, Silver, and Gold sponsorship positions during our Silent Auction
  • Creative integration of your company's name into the event
  • Promotion or giveaways of your items or services to Quiz participants and Silent Auction bidders
  • Shout-outs during our live streams and mentions on social media

We welcome sponsorship donations and contributions of all sizes; they don't necessarily have to be large. If this interests you, please fill out the form below and select "Financial Sponsor" in the relevant section.

Benefits for Sponsors and Contributors:

  1. Visibility and Branding: Your logo will be prominently displayed on our event website, promotional materials, and during the event's live stream.
  2. Dedicated Shoutouts: Receive special mentions and gratitude during the live event, ensuring our audience recognizes and appreciates your generous contribution.
  3. Post-Event Acknowledgment: Be mentioned as a sponsor on our post-event page.
  4. Digital Recognition: Benefit from featured posts on our social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, acknowledging your support.
  5. Community Engagement: Engage with our audience during the event through polls, quizzes, or interactive sessions.
  6. Long-term Association: Earn recognition in our newsletters, annual reports, and in future references related to this event.
  7. Support This Project: By becoming a sponsor or contributor, you play a direct role in the success and progression of our project.

Contribute to the Silent Auction

If you're eager to contribute but are unsure of what to offer, check the list of ideas on our Silent Auction page!

Support the Project's Launch

We value your expertise, knowledge, and support. If you can assist this community in any way, please reach out. We'd be more than grateful for your help.

Support Local Heroes

We admire local heroes who, whether individually or in small teams, put in tremendous effort. We understand the challenges of launching a business and navigating the myriad obstacles that arise on that journey. If you can provide samples of your goods or services for our Auction, we would be delighted to feature you and do our utmost to introduce you to our audience.

To become a sponsor, please fill out the sponsorship form [insert link] and select "Financial Sponsor" in the relevant section. Our team will review your submission and get in touch with you to discuss sponsorship opportunities that align with your goals and budget.

Absolutely! We welcome contributions from businesses and individuals who want to support charity organizations through our Silent Auction. If you have an item or service you'd like to donate, please fill out the contribution form [insert link] and provide details about your offering.

Depending on your sponsorship level or contribution, you may receive recognition through logo placement on our event website and materials, dedicated shoutouts during live events, social media mentions, post-event acknowledgments, and more. Please refer to the "Benefits for Sponsors and Contributors" section in the article for a full list of recognition opportunities.

Supporting Hearts.Community is a fantastic way to make a difference, gain visibility for your business, and engage with a passionate community. Whether you choose to become a sponsor, contribute to the Silent Auction, donate to the project's development, or support local heroes, your involvement plays a crucial role in our project's success. We invite you to join us in our mission to create a vibrant, collaborative community that empowers individuals, supports charities, and promotes local businesses. Together, we can achieve great things and make a lasting impact.